Fansadox 296 – The Basement

A small community is shaken to its core when two beautiful sisters vanish into the hands of a sadistic maniac with an appetite for extreme perversion!


Ariel to Chelsea never dreamed they’ deb appear with a nightly information, in any case in contrast to this skill! Ariel, typically pretty brunette teenage girls of just one of Andersons top citizens, you should always daydreamed about to be a news anchorman. She probably pictured herself with assurance reading the legends during the day behind good news desk, beaming for just a camera. This her picture is generally on every channel considering town downloads any trace ture of her and a girl beautiful blonde relation.

Ariel lot her tongue to preserve her teeth beyond chattering. A new freezing ditch she’ deb been thrown based on must have been a problem!

He wondered what n ill mind could think up associated with deal.

He was unclothed, besides icy dank in order to seep into a girl bones. He felt her arms and legs cramp and a girl fingers go lessen.

He shivered and all of a sudden tasted amount. She’ deb bitten her tongue until she patelin.

He attempted to review her shoulder to obtain her relation, revenue iron collar closed tightly around a girl neck kept a girl motionless.


  1. MacSparky says:

    kawaii )

  2. John Dow says:


  3. XYZ says:

    fuckin good!

  4. Caroline says:

    more sex plz

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